Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The lady at Lowes told me to get off-brand RoundUp, I wonder if that's why it isn't working...

Lucy woke me up around 8 this morning and after I took her out I layed in bed contemplating whether I was going to go to Psychology or not. Like I said, I didn't have lab today, so I definitely wasn't going to Micro, and I wasn't sure if it was worth driving all the way in for the one class. As I was deciding my mom called and wanted to talk for quite a while. That pretty much solved my dilemma, because by the time we were done talking there was no way I could get ready and get to class anywhere near on time.

If yesterday was nice weather wise, today was amazing. Also, I love where my house is. It doesn't take us too long to get anywhere, but we don't live in a congested area. I also love that our backyard backs up to woods. It's so nice to look out of our sunroom and see just trees.

After I took Lucy for the usual walk I finished my song. I finally got the vocals to render correctly after trying a few workarounds. I don't know what the deal was, but it was frustrating. Anyways, here it's just about how I felt when the stress of things in Columbia was creating some tension between Kristi and I. A little sad, but turns out good in the end:

All We Need

I don't really like the title, but it's not like it's going to be a big hit or anything. I also posted the hymn I re-did a while ago. If you want to listen to it, you can find it here. My senior project is also on my soundclick page if you have never heard that. The production is way better on that stuff as it was actually done in a studio environment and not one of our bedrooms with junky equipment. By the way, if you want to have the songs and you are my friend, just ask me, you don't need to pay for them on that site. I just have them for money in case someone random stumbles across them and wants them. I think I have to have 10$ to cash out, and right now I'm like at 4$. I highly doubt I'll actually make it to 10$.

After uploading the songs I decided to go kill the grass again where the mulch beds are going. The roundup only worked on about half of it, so I resprayed everything. Tomorrow or maybe next week I'm going to dig it all up so we can put some good dirt down and plant stuff. It's gonna be pretty sweet when we're done.

Somewhere in there I made some eggs for lunch, I don't remember when. Either way, after 2 I left for work. I finished setting up the stage, installed SP3 on my XP, and then moved the MobilePre to my computer. By the time all that was done it was almost time for the worship team meeting, so I went to Zaxby's and picked up some food for Joe and myself. He was shooting baptism testimonies all afternoon, so he couldn't come to eat.

The worship team pre-rehearsal meeting was interesting because we all went around and talked about a book we were reading or had recently read. It was interesting to hear what people had to say. I said I was reading a Dave Ramsey book because Kristi and I are so rich and we need to know what to do with all of our wealth......right.

We had some trouble with a few inputs tonight at rehearsal which was slightly frustrating. There was a bad mic cable and I had hooked up the drum mics slightly wrong. Also, one of the wireless mics isn't working. The signal is coming into the receiver, and the cable going from the receiver to the snake is good, so I have no clue what the issue is. I guess Joe and I will have to work on that next week. The stage setup is cool this week. It's a real small band, so the the drums are close to the front right in the middle, and Brad made the set alot smaller. We also didn't use the drum shield, which looks so much nicer. Drum shields are usually a necessary evil unless your running more like 100 - 105 dB, but Brad is using Hot Rods this week and taking it easy, so we didn't have to use it. There is a ton of space in the back of the stage that Joe is going to put light trusses and sails in. It's gonna look cool I think.

Rehearsal went pretty long, so I didn't get home until about 10. Kristi was already in bed, so we just talked a little and then I got a drink and went to bed. Right now Lucy is out in the living room growling at something...I don't know what her problem is.

Tomorrow I was supposed to have lunch with Keith, the youth guy from NHCC, to talk about re-doing the cable routhing of their sound system, but I haven't heard from him, so I don't know if that's happening. Maybe if I'm up to it I can wash my is so dirty. The nice thing about living in a house is that you can wash your car whenever you want...I'm excited.

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