Monday, September 29, 2008

I just tried to put some html tags in my title, and didn't realize that you wouldn't see them because they would be used....shows what i know

So I worked on the look of my blog quite a bit. Joe gave me some tips (what is it that he wants to be muse?) and I did my best to take the design to a new level. I am still deciding what I think, right now I think I may like it. The big problem with redesigning is that I am severely hampered by my lack of html knowledge (or xml, or whatever I'm editing in, I don't really know). I pretty much just read through the code and try deleting things and changing values to figure out how to make things like I want.

Today i actually went to school. Psychology was not my favorite again. We spent most of the time discussing childhood obesity as a class. I am not much for class discussion, I would rather the teacher lecture about the material and teach me things I need to know. Maybe it's just my personality, but if you were in this class with me you might agree.

Micro lab was incredibly short, and I didn't feel like hanging around for an hour just to go to lecture, so I headed home to eat some lunch. I didn't have eggs today, which is rare, because we had some sandwich making material in the fridge. Last time Kristi and I bought cheese we went to BiLo as opposed to Wal-Mart, and I must say that the deli person did a lousy job with the Muenster. You can always tell when a deli worker cares about their job, because the cheese is at a reasonable thickness and the slices are separated on different pieces of plastic. This BiLo cheese...let me tell is thicker than any normal person would prefer, and it is all mounded together, meaning that it is practically impossible to get an entire sheet of cheese off in one pull. You end up with several smaller, torn, misshapen pieces, which makes the sandwich that much less enjoyable. Maybe next time at Wal-Mart I should thank the person for their care in stacking my cheese.

A little after lunch I went over to the Boyds with my weedeater. Charlie (my father-in-law) had offered to look at it and see if he could figure out if it was starting. Even more amazing and kind, he told me that he would give me his old weedeater as he was looking to buy a new one. He wasn't able to figure out my weedeater's problem, but he did give me his to take home. It seems pretty powerful, and has a straight shaft, so I am fairly excited about it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the other one.

After working with the weedeater I talked to Karen (my mother-in-law) and Kristi's grandmother for a little while. They had some interesting food items for me to try, including pimento cheese and hummus. Neither tasted too bad, but I'm a big texture guy, and I don't know that I can handle the texture of hummus.

After a little bit I came home and waited for Kristi. When she got home we decided just to go through the Chik-fil-A drive through and then I dropped her off and went to Wal-Mart and Lowes. Lucy needed some new chew items (other than the household items she prefers) and also I needed a wheel barrow so that I can start digging out the grass for our expanded mulch beds. I barely fit it into the car, and I'm not sure what I would have done if I wouldn't have been able to get it in. Maybe I could have walked home?

That's about all I did today. Kristi went to bed pretty early, so I've just been watching football and trying to keep Lucy from barking. Tomorrow will be pretty busy. I think I'm going to do some yard work in the morning and then I work in the evening. I'm going to start trying to save more money, so I'll be packing my dinner tomorrow. I'm a little concerned about it not being enough, but I need to find a way to cut down on food expenses.

By the way, the bailout didn't go through, and Wachovia was bought out by another bank. I thought that was pretty funny considering the discussion last night. It also makes me feel weird as I am a Wachovia customer. I guess I've got a new bank now? I hope they offer me an interest rate on my checking!

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