On my way to Panera I did my best to dodge traffic hot spots, but despite my efforts I ran into a wreck on 385. I had to detour through some back roads, so I called Mr. Bunn to let him know I'd be a few minutes late. Oddly enough, this wasn't the last traffic jam I would be stuck in today.
Breakfast was great. Mr. Bunn and I had a good time catching up and had some great discussion about marriage and friends. I decided afterwards that I would run by Marshalls to look at their furniture. Kristi and I have some rooms that seem pretty empty, but while Marshalls had some super nice stuff, it was also super expensive. I didn't stay too long at Marshalls because I felt weird in a store with 98% female shoppers. I guess most guys are earning the money on Thursday mornings...so much for not being stereotypical. I contemplated driving to guitar center to try out some tube amps and retrieve some masculinity, but I decided it wasn't worth the gas money. Instead I just went home, stopping at Wachovia along the way to deposit some checks.
When I got home I figured I should probably study as I have three tests coming up, but I tried to think of any excuse not to, and I ended up cleaning for a while. Kristi later informed me that she doesn't care if I never study as long as I am cleaning, so I guess she appreciated it. In between some of my cleaning I decided to play drums for a while. Playing the drums reminded me that I wanted to start working on my telecaster project again. I love to read forums and learn how to do projects, and earlier this year I began building a telecaster. I plan on doing everything but cut the wood, from finishing to soldering. I had finished the dyeing process and put a few coats of lacquer on in Columbia, but had pause the project for a month or two during the move. The nice thing about nitrocellulose lacquer is that it "bites back" into itself, so you can let it cure for a while and then put more coats on. I got out my telecaster body (flame maple on ash), and I sanded it back a little to make sure the lacquer would bond well. I then put several coats on over a period of time. In between I took Lucy for a walk and finished the cleaning. The guitar is coming along well; I plan on put a few more cans of lacquer on and then I will let it cure for 45 days before buffing it to a mirror gloss finish (hopefully).
I also worked on my 1956 Fender Bassman some. I have a speaker that has a crack in it and rattles with low notes. Since I have a cabinet loaded with the same Jensen speakers, I figured out which one it was so that I can switch a speaker from the cabinet into its place. I wasn't completely sure which one it was, so I waited 'til Kristi was home to help to finish.
Around this time a woman called me back that I have been leaving messages for the past few days. She had listed a weedeater in Craigslist that I thought I was interested in buying. I was excited she finally called me back, and she told me that she would be going to a little lot in front or Ryan's on Wade Hampton at 3:30 to sell some other things later that day. I told her I would meet her between 4 and 4:30. To kill time I played the drums a little more, and then got in my car to go get the weed eater.
This began one of the more frustrating errands I can remember. For starters it takes a while to get over to the Greer area of Wade Hampton. I remembered there being a Wachovia right by Ryan's, so I didn't go out of my way at all to go to the one in Simpsonville. I realize that I should have gotten cash at the Wachovia earlier, and if the lady would have called me back yesterday, I would have.
When I got to Wade Hampton finally I was upset to find that the Wachovia was now a different bank (or maybe it never was a Wachovia, but I thought for sure it was). I called my mom to see if she knew where a Wachovia was, and she didn't. I then weighed the cost of gas driving around looking for one versus paying a few dollars to get the money at a different ATM. After driving a mile or two and seeing about 10 banks, none of them being a Wachovia, I stopped at a BB&t and payed a few dollars to get my money out. I then called the lady at 4:20 because I could not find her lot. She informed me that she was not there but would be soon. I am a very punctual person, and this bothered me a little bit, but I parked at Ryan's and walked to Dunkin Donuts to get an Iced Latte...which was fabulous.
A little later the lady arrived and I walked over to see the weed eater. I really like it and feel like I got a good deal. It is a four cycle engine, which means I don't have to mix oil and gas, and also means it will run cleaner. I was a little disappointed that it was a "hassle free" head and not a bump to dispense more line head, but I have used both and knew I didn't mind the hassle free too much. After making sure it ran well I gave her the money and headed home.
On the way home I decided to go down 14 all the way from Greer to Pelham, which turned out to be a mistake. Right when I got to the airport some firemen stopped all 6 lanes. I couldn't see much, but I did see a bunch of helicopters flying around, and one actually landed in the road. Almost everyone else was turning around, but I figured there might be an airplane making an emergency landing or something, so I stuck it out. You never know when you're going to miss an exciting, crazy event just because you're impatient. Turns out it was just a wreck and someone was being airlifted, so about half an hour later I was on my way again. I finally arrived home over 2 hours later...it had to be the longest trip to buy a weedeater ever.
After I got home I was so excited about my weedeater I decided to try it out. It ran great, and I chopped weeds and grass until I ran out of line (she didn't give me any extra). I then hung it in the garage where I think the lady before us used to hang a bike...I had to move our beach chairs to put it there: Kristi got home a little after that and we went to get Little Caesar's for dinner. We got back in time for the USC vs. Vandy game, and I am watching it now hoping that Bobby Johnson pulls a big win for me.
Tomorrow I go to work at 9, which is always a good time. After that I am not sure what Kristi and I will do. We planned a date night for Saturday which means tomorrow night is pretty much wide open. I'm sure she'll want to watch football...
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