Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm glad I don't wake up before 7 every morning like my wife!

I totally forgot that I was supposed to take Lucy to my mom's house this morning when I woke up. How I can write about it the night before and then forget in the morning, I have no idea. I was taking my time starting my day, and then at 8:15 as I was getting in the shower I remembered. This posed a problem because I am supposed to be at work at 9:00. I rushed through my shower and took off, making it to church around 9:15. Usually Joe isn't even there until 10:00, but just as my luck would have it he was there when I got there. People not being punctual is one of my pet peeves, so it really bothers me when I'm late. Oh well, I guess nobody can be perfect right? Lucy got to play with Molly and my sister's dog Carter all day also. Jenny was in Boone, NC interviewing for an ER job (she is a doctor). By the way, in case you aren't familiar with my family, here we all are:Joe had alot for me to do at work today, so I stayed busy. Part of it involved crawling under the tech platform. The thing is so small that I inch on my stomach and my back scrapes the studs the entire time. It is extremely claustrophobic, but it's also kind of like a challenge each time. If you want a picture for reference, Joe took one a while ago and it is somewhere on one of his blog posts.

For lunch we went to this place called Papa Chin's. I have been excited about this place ever since I saw it earlier this week, and it did not disappoint. It was a little pricier than I would have preferred, but I got fried rice with chicken, steak, and shrimp, and it was delicious. I asked for no peas, but they forgot and the waitress was extremely apologetic. I really didn't care at all, and I kept telling her that, but she kept apologizing. Joe and I talked how I should have been a good American and completely flipped out about it. Anyways, I'm sure I will go back sometime. In case you didn't know, Thai/Japanese fried rice is my favorite food, especially when it is made spicy. Wings are also right up there with fried rice. Have you ever heard of Guiseppi's?

I went to NHCC right after work to set up for the youth conference. Since we are playing a good bit of songs I wanted to use my own set. I am using my 2 toms, kick, and snare, and then I borrowed some nice cymbals from different people. Together everything sounds amazing, especially through their system which consists of 2 powered QSC mains, 2 powered QSC subs, an Allen & Heath GL2400, a DBX Driverack, and various other rack gear. I actually planned the system out while they were building their new facility, but then moved before it was finished. It sounds awesome.

The worship time was awesome. NHCC has about 250 in their youth group, I think 150-200 were there tonight. They have a ton of really godly kids who are really great leaders, and I have never seen a group of people be so passionate and get into worship so much as a group. What's more amazing is that we are talking about youth. We did a great set that Ryan put together:

Mighty to Save
From the Inside Out/The Stand

I had never played "Madly" before, and it was alot of fun. The last two we jumped back and forth between which was also really cool. I met Jared who plays guitar for a hard core band called "Divide the Sea." He is friends with Ryan and played lead tonight, and he was great. I thought it was one of the best sounding groups I have played with in a while. We were very tight and very musical. I left my camera in the back for the computer tech to press record on when we started, but he forgot. It seems like every time I am a part of something musical that is great it somehow doesn't get recorded. Oh well, just trust me.

I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow to go practice for tomorrow morning's set. That is too bad because I have to get up at 6:15 on Sunday too, but I would get up early anytime to go play some good music. I think tomorrow night Kristi and I are going to hang out with my parents, which should be fun. The not fun part of the day will be mowing the lawn and cleaning. Anybody like mowing lawns for free?

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