Today; however, was a Wednesday, which you know is the busiest of all. I had arranged to take Lucy to my mom's this morning to play with Molly all day. This allowed me to take my statistics test after Micro and not go home before work, which in turn saved me from making an extra trip to Greenville Tech. Like I said, I ate lunch with my mom yesterday and told her I'd pay for her since she watches my dog, to which she replied, "no, I'm going to pay for your lunch." Free dog sitting traded for not paying for my lunch sounded like a good deal to me...really that doesn't even make sense.
Psychology was fine, and I finally got my test back, which I got a 100 on. Our teacher was still not done grading them, so she had us read on our own and come up with possible essay questions while she graded. To be honest I felt like we were just doing her work for her while she worked on grading. It made me wish I would have slept in until Micro.
When I got to lab our teacher told us that she thought she may have used the wrong scantron key for our tests, and that our grades might be wrong. This kind of freaked me out because I had made a 102/106 (96%) on my test. I had visions of my grade being lowered to a D or something. We got out of lab early and Nate and I went to Moe's quickly. When we came back for class she told us that our grades were in fact correct. Not only that, but the test had been curved 4 points and 2 points were extra credit, so I actually made a 102% on my test. Talk about a turn of events!
Feeling quite pleased with myself I went to take my statistics test. It was really tricky, and I felt like there was way too many short answer questions. I had the math down backwards and forwards, and was only slightly familiar with terms. There were lots of questions about terms and discussion of terms, so I'm not sure how well I did. Oh well, I'm sure I got at least a C and this class isn't too important. I'll know to study more terms for the next test.
I got to work expecting to have to set up the whole stage, but I was pleasantly suprised to see that Joe, Tyler, and James had done alot of the setup for me. I had to finish up some mic cables, aviom cables, power cables, and arranging, but it really wasn't bad at all. Kevin showed up super early for rehearsal, so Joe, he, and I went to McAlister's for dinner. I found something I kind of like there, so I don't mind going anymore. I don't jump up and down about it, but it's alright.
At dinner Joe and Kevin talked a little about politics. I am an extremely opinionated individual, and actually have some pretty strong views on politics. Like I've said before, I try to shy away from dogmatism although I am often unsuccessful. I have noticed that I can have a tendency to come across as way too opinionated which can intimidate or annoy people, so I really try my best to listen more than offer opinions. Like I said, I am often unsuccessful, but tonight I did succeed at not really getting involved in the discussion. I felt like if I got started it could be a long conversation that wouldn't go anywhere in the end. Discussing politics with people is like discussing theology with someone who is Reformed. Everyone already thinks they've got everything figured out, and discussing usually just ends up being super frustrating...if you're reformed please take that last statement as a lighthearted one. Many of my friends are reformed and I like them, I just don't discuss theology with them. :)
After dinner we returned to the church, went to the pre-rehearsal team together time, and then I ran slides again during rehearsal. They were finishing up around 9, which is when I'm supposed to get off, so I went ahead and left to get Lucy. I love it when she stays with my parents because she is so tired from playing with Molly all day.
When I got home Kristi was already in bed and I was still hungry, so I made some dip-eggs (sunnyside up for those of you unfamiliar with my terminology). Now I have mentioned before that I am probably the best egg cooker you know, and I am guessing that many of you (or at the least the 2 of you who read this blog) did not believe me. Tonight as I was admiring my eggs while they cooked, I decided I should take a picture. I warn you though, in the same way the watching John Mayer play guitar makes me want to stop trying to play, looking at a picture of my eggs may discourage you from cooking eggs ever again...they are just that awesome:

Pretty good eggs I'd say, just look at that delicious butter.
After eating my eggs and toast I felt very satisfied and got in bed. Tommorrow I am driving to Columbia to eat lunch with my friend Kenny. I am pretty excited about that. I miss some of my good friends from Columbia, and Kenny was definitely one of them. I'll have to find some good music to listen to for the drive.
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