I decided to work on the weedeater this morning with hopes that it was something simple. I have called and emailed the person I bought it from, but I'm not too optimistic about them getting back to me. Today I took a few things apart, and I couldn't get the spark plug to fire. I went and bought a new one (it was only 3$, worth a try) but that one doesn't seemed like it is sparking either. I don't know what that means exactly, but I do know it means I can't fix it. I will give the lady a few days and then take it to a repair person I guess.
After that I had an early lunch and then took Lucy for a walk. I needed to study all afternoon, so I wanted to get her tired before-hand. It worked well, and she slept all afternoon while I studied. I took occasional sanity breaks to play the drums, put numbers on the mailbox, watch tv, etc...but really I just studied all day. I did also take Lucy on a second walk in the evening. She was getting hyper again, so I needed something to calm her down. Kristi came home late because she had an open house, and we went to eat and then to her parents house to take care of some things while they are out of town. When we came home I went back to studying and she went to bed. She has to get up at 6, and she was already pretty exhausted. I watched some football while I studied, and finished pretty much everything I wanted to. I am going to look over a few things tomorrow before I go take the test, but I feel like I will make at least a solid B with what I've done so far. I've been out of school a while though, so we'll see.
One of the times I took Lucy out tonight there was a praying mantis on our back door. I love to take pictures of nature stuff, so I grabbed my camera and took a few. They didn't really turn out all that amazing, but still they are kind of cool.

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