I slept really well and woke up again when Lucy was ready to go out as Kristi was leaving. Since I had to be at work at 9, I stayed up and got ready soon after. When I left for work I saw two really cute beagles walking down the main road outside my house. There was a male and female and their faces reminded me alot of my dog Lucy (remember she is half beagle). I stopped and said hi to them, but they didn't have collars, and since I had to be at work I didn't have time to take them anywhere. I made sure to flash my lights at all cars headed their direction, all the while feeling guilty that I couldn't help them.
Work was pretty easygoing today. Joe wasn't feeling great, so it took him a little while to get there. In the meantime I cleaned up some sound stuff that needed to be put away, and then organized room 202 a little. I learned that part of my job is to make sure that room is in working order because it gets used for meetings on a regular basis, so I figured I should organize it some.
Joe and I went to Zaxby's for lunch, which I always love. They have these shirts now that say, "For a moment all the world's problems fade and it's just you and chicken." I'm not sure if that's exactly right, but it's really close. One thing that I know is that I love chicken, so much so that I would say 65-75% of my meals involve chicken in some way. At fast food restaurants I usually always get a chicken sandwich or chicken nuggets. I freakin love chicken. Because of this I am interested in buying one of these shirts. Last time we were there Joe asked if they sold them to the public, and they said that they did. So, this time I figured I would just add it onto our order; however, the girl that rung us up didn't really seem to know how to do that, so I decided just to wait until another time.
All this tshirt talk reminds me, I designed a sweet shirt for Kristi's class and we just got the final proof back yesterday. I wanted the stingray on the front a tiny bit smaller, but I had already been so picky I thought I should leave it alone. It is still going to be the coolest elementary school classroom tshirt you have ever seen:

After I had finished the plots I left and went home. I had a good talk with my good from Jon Hurley from Columbia about life and my old church on the way home. When I got there I noticed that the lady across the street had the beagles in her garage feeding them and giving them water. I kept an eye on them and then when I saw the Simpsonville Humane Society come to get them I took Lucy outside for a walk to see what was going on. Apparently the dogs just hung out at my neighbors house and were there when she got home from work. We talked a little and when I said that they would get adopted because they were so cute, she said that if no one got them she thought she would adopt them. That made me feel really good that they were taken care of. Dogs have a special place in my heart...I'm such a softie.
Lucy and I also ran into another dog down the street going for a walk. His owner seemed about my age, and was married. I talked to him a little, and am hoping to find ways to run into him again. I would love to be able to make friends with some of our neighbors, so I was really excited that I got to talk to two of them today. Oddly enough I've found that a great way to meet people is to have a dog. Just another reason you should get one.
Kristi came home a bit later after I had watched some Seinfeld and we decided to go to a new Japanese steakhouse called Wasabi. We had a coupon, and it was pretty good. The kitchen gave our cook too much rice to fry, so he put tons of fried rice in a box for me to take home. I was super excited because that's my favorite part of the meal.
After dinner we went to Home Depot to get some paint. We would like our shutters and door to be black instead of red, so tomorrow we are planning on painting them. Apparently they close at 9, and they announced that we had 5 more minutes to shop. We were already in the paint section, so we figured there was enough time. At 8:57 a random Home Depot guy approached us and said, "you do know we're closed right." I just kind of looked at him and said, "well we have 3 minutes right?" To which he replied, "whatever, I don't care, I'm just reminding you." Kristi and I thought he was pretty rude, but we decided we'd just wait until tomorrow morning to get paint so we wouldn't feel as rushed. We were out of the store in plenty of time.
That's about it...I played the drums some when I got home. I put my Shure earbuds in and played along with some Hillsong stuff...their songs can be really technical and hard, so I feel like it stretches me a good bit. I quit after a while because I'm pretty sure the neighbors can probably hear me a little, and I don't want to make them mad.
Tomorrow Kristi and I are going to work on the house some and then go on a date night. Date nights are weird to me as a married person, because we end up eating out alot and I am not really sure what makes one night of eating out a date, and another not a date, but whatever. I'm kind of bummed that we play the Citadel tomorrow, and really there aren't many good games on, but it's ok, I couldn't handle another disappointing loss. Surely the Citadel won't beat us...
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