Sunday, December 21, 2008

If you saw one of your neighbors washing cars in the rain, with no shoes, in a t-shirt, in the month of December...would you be concerned?

Today was a pretty busy day! I woke up a little before 9:30. They pets were up playing and Kristi had started cleaning the house, so I figured I should stop being lazy in bed...well kind of. The first thing I did was finish up the design stuff while lying in bed, so I guess that's pretty lazy. I was done with that around 10:30 and so I got up and took a shower. I had a few people left to buy gifts for, so I said goodbye to Kristi after I got dressed and took off to finish the shopping.

I expected the roads to be ridiculously busy today, being so close to Christmas and all, but really it wasn't bad at all. First I went downtown to get a giftcard, and then I drove to Greenridge to stop at a few stores. One of the places I stopped was Best Buy, because I needed to buy a flash drive for my dad. He let me borrow his a few weeks ago, but Oliver knocked it off of my nightstand one day and Lucy chewed on it for a little while. They work together like that sometimes...especially with Christmas ornaments. It's kind of weird, the drive is recognized by the computer, but there is nothing on the drive. And I don't mean there's no files, I mean there's no bytes. I think there's a possibility that I could get it formatted again, but they are cheap and I doubt my dad wants his back with teeth marks in it. After Greenridge, I stopped at Target to return an item for Kristi, and then made it home by 1:30.

Once I got home I ate lunch, took Lucy for a walk, and then helped wrap a few presents. At that point it was about 3. I had planned to wash cars today, but I knew we were going to a movie with the Boyds at 7, and that we would have to eat before hand, so I decided I would just clean the insides and see if there was time left to do a quick wash. I finished all the vacuuming and Armor All-ing the insides at about 4:30, and since we weren't meeting for dinner until 6, I decided to wash the outsides too. Kristi switched the time to 5:30 in the meantime...thanks alot Kristi...but I was able to rush through it and do a half decent job. It was raining outside, but the cars were so dirty, and I hate to have my schedule messed up by rain anyways. It also wasn't that cold, so I was barefoot with a t-shirt on. I tried not to make eye contact with neighbors as they drove past because I didn't want to see the looks of laughter and disbelief on their faces.

I finished washing the cars at 5:07, ran inside, took a shower, got dressed, and we were out the door by 5:18...pretty impressive. Kristi suggested we eat at Oriental House, which of course was very exciting for me. Interestingly enough, when Chad walked in he told a waitress how many we had, so they sat us and did the whole waiting on the table thing. Every other time I've been there I've just ordered at the front, so it was kind of nice. They seem to be service oriented like that, because one time when I was there they ran out of Diet Coke in the fountain drink machine, so one of the ladies brought around bottles of it to anyone that needed some. My fried rice was top notch like usual, and they remembered to leave off the pees this time (I spelled that wrong accidentally, but then decided it communicates my thoughts on the vegetable pretty well).

We went to see the new movie "7 Pounds" tonight with Will Smith. He has become one of my favorite actors after seeing him do such a good job in such a diverse set of movies. Since this movie is relatively new, I will avoid spoiling it and just say that it was one of the best movies I remember seeing in a theater. I am not really a movie person, so I tend to be pretty picky, but I really loved it. By the way, did you know they let you take drinks into the movie theater now? Weird...

We left the theater, stopped at Barnes and Nobles to get some books, and then came home. Once we got home we packed for our vacation, and then got into bed. I spent some time downloading some more of my honeymoon pictures off of my Webshots tonight. My hard drive crashed a little while ago and the only things I didn't have backed up that were really important were my honeymoon pictures...but I don't really want to talk about it. At least I have most of them on my just takes a long time to download them one by one. I also am updating my Ipod for the trip, which is exciting. It has been sitting in my center console with a dead battery for over 2 months. I don't know why, I think it's because I've bought so many new CD's lately that I haven't missed it.

Speaking of new CD's, I bought the new Copeland album today at Best Buy. Imagine my excitement when I saw that the producer was none other than Aaron Sprinkle. I really like the album, although I don't understand why most of my friends like this one but not the last one. They are extremely similar in my opinion. My favorite song so far is #6.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day. I'm running sound and then we will be leaving for Hilton Head. As I grow older I understand more and more why adults get so excited about vacations.


Trenton said...

so... I guess your wife doesn't read the blog? Did your dad know about your pets destroying his card? Have a good time in Hilton Head. Merry Christmas.

Andrew Stoeber said...

She doesn't very often...but she doesn't mind the things I write. Which part did you think she wouldn't like?