After getting that done I came home for a little bit, took Lucy for a short walk, and then left to run some errands and eat lunch with my friend Jay. He called me while I was on my way to tell me his boss was being a little weird and he would have to bail on me. That kind of left me not knowing what to do. I called my mom but she couldn't eat, so then I thought about trying some new local place by myself, but I didn't really feel like looking for a place. I ended up eating at McDonald's since I've never been there before. It's this fast food restaurant, I don't know if you've heard of it? I really regretted eating there. It was one of those meals where I finished and thought..."I probably should have just skipped lunch." After that I did some Christmas shopping and then came home. I only have two people left, and I know what I'm getting them, so I am pretty much done.
When I came home I worked on the design stuff for a while. I tried some new ideas and then emailed them out, which took me a little while. Once I was done with that I remembered I needed ingredients for the birthday cheesecake, so I took a quick trip to BiLo to get that stuff. Philadelphia cream cheese was on sale for cheaper than the BiLo brand, so this one should be even better than usual. When I got back it was like Lucy didn't remember going on a walk in the morning, and she was driving me nuts, so I gave in and took her for a longer walk. That seemed to appease her because then she slept when we got back.
I tried to do a little recording then, but it took a while to set up and Kristi got home in the meantime, so I stopped what I was doing and we left for dinner. She agreed to go to Oriental House, which was really exciting because I hadn't been able to go there Wednesday like I was supposed to. The girl that took our order was new though, and there were peas in my rice, and it also wasn't spicy...that was a little disappointing. I didn't complain because it was still good, and I don't like to be the picky type. My friend Jesse used to work at Starbucks and always said he hated how the people who came in every morning could tell if the coffee wasn't the right temperature and would complain about it. I always told him that I completely understood. If I got coffee every day, I would imagine it would be very important to my day, and I would probably want it to be just right if I was going to spend my money on it. He lived in China for a while though and is kind of into the whole collectivist culture thing, so he doesn't like it. I still pretty much never complain about my food, but I'm just saying I understand.
After eating we went to the NHC nursing home off of Pelham Road. Kristi's grandmother is in the rehabilitation wing for a few weeks until her fractures heal and she is able to get up and down again. It was good to see her, she looks tired but seems like she is doing well considering. I told her I'd bring her a piece of cheesecake next time we come.
Going there brought back some memories for me. My Poppop Stoeber had a stroke my senior year of high school and was there for a few weeks afterwards. Typing that, I can't believe it was that long ago. It is a really nice nursing home, but it was hard seeing him there, especially because he never really recovered. He remained paralyzed and unable to speak and was moved from there to another not as nice nursing home for a little while before he passed away. I just remember it being really hard to visit him because he would often sit there and cry and he couldn't talk to us. Every time I hear that song "What Sarah Said" by Deathcab for Cutie I think of my grandfather. Probably the greatest line in the song is the first one, which is:
"And it came to me then, that every plan
is a tiny prayer to father time"
Anyways, it's about being in an emergency room, and there is kind of a climax line which is, "Love is watching someone die." Hearing that makes me think of families I have seen watch loved ones go through illnesses, and specifically makes me think of my grandfather.
Anyways, after visiting Kristi's grandmother we came home and I got started baking another cheesecake. Once again it went pretty well, so I am excited to have my family try some, especially since the Thanksgiving cheesecake disaster.
We also took a family picture so we can send it to my aunt with her present. Here it is:

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