Kristi and I took our time getting ready and then left to do some shopping. I enjoy shopping for the first little bit, and then I get progressively more tired and grumpy after that. We ate lunch at this Mexican restaurant called Jalepenos that we remembered being extra tasty and cheap last time we were here, but it was a big disappointment today. Kristi said her food wasn't very good, and they gave me a beef quesadilla instead of chicken. I didn't feel like telling them and then having to hurry through my meal by the time they cooked me a new one, so I just ate the one they gave me even though I didn't really enjoy it. After lunch there was lots more shopping.
One very exciting thing did happen during the shopping trip. While driving I saw a little music store and remember that one of the Blackheart dealers I had seen on their website was in Hilton Head, SC. I stopped in to see if they had any Blackheart amps, and sure enough they had the Little Giant (3/5 watt) halfstack. I dropped Kristi off at the next store and came back to play with it for a little while. It sounded really nice. It was much cleaner then I expected, and started to break up with single coils once you got past about 80% on the volume. I still am pretty sure I'll stick with the Fender...but I don't know, I did really like the sound.
Once we were through shopping we stopped back at the condo for me to change and grab the camera, and then we drove to Harbour Town on Sea Pines Plantation (sorry I spelled it wrong yesterday). I enjoy going to Harbour Town and seeing the yachts whenever I am in Hilton Head. We don't often eat dinner there, so I wanted to do that tonight. The place was extremely deserted since it is the off season, and many of the shops were closed, but there were plenty of yachts to look at. I wanted to eat at a fancy restaurant underneath the lighthouse, but it was closed, so we went to the Crazy Crab. It wasn't really very good. We got a bucket of assorted seafood to share, and neither of us loved it. I think Kristi and I just both have a hard time getting into seafood...and I am hoping that oyster doesn't come back to haunt me. I am a big texture person when it comes to food, and that oyster was about the worst texture I have ever had...except for maybe Jack Fruit, which I had in Bangladesh. But lets be honest, no food will probably come close to some of the things I ate in Bangladesh.
Later Kristi and I laughed about how today was probably one of our worst "food" days since we've been married, and it was on vacation. Oh well, it was still enjoyable, despite the food choices, and I was able to take a few good pictures in Harbour Town:

We may leave tommorrow night instead of Wednesday morning. We both were thinking that might be better than feeling rushed on Christmas Eve day, and it isn't like we have much to do around here. I think tommorrow we will take a walk on the beach, find somewhere good for lunch, and then possibly head home. My only stipulation is that we eat a nice dinner on the way.
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