Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Marathon Success
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I mean, if the Biggest Losers can do it...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A new job and a new lunch item
Friday, October 8, 2010
Coffee and Cigarettes...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
"If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about ghosts"
I've been driving in my hometown,
past the memories with windows down.
I let the wind rush in and hear the sounds
of friends I've made and dreams I've never found.
I am not quite the man I thought I'd be.
I've never climbed a mountain or sailed the sea.
But I've kissed a dying woman's cheek;
I've held my daughter's hand and watched her sleep.
Maybe that man was someone else, and this is me.
So when I drive back home I hug my wife,
thank God for each breath that brings me life,
and ask that I could walk this narrow line,
with love that flows like beams of heaven's light.
If I ever figure out what I really want to do with the last two lines I'll repost. By the way, you may be asking yourself why I'm driving with windows down in the weather we've been having...mainly because I don't have AC in my car. It sounds wonderfully poetic though, doesn't it?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Roll your windows down, the summer's nearly gone...
I registered for my first marathon two weeks ago, which is a little frightening. My long runs are up to 18 miles. I've had one really good 18 mile run and one 18 miler where I thought I might not make it. I'm not sure what the difference was, but I would sure like to avoid the latter from now on.
I also took a fun family vacation to Hilton Head Island. We've been going there for years so it's always slightly nostalgic to go back. This year there was the added benefit of this restaurant called "David's Roastfish and Cornbread," which ranks right up there with Oriental House for me. It was hot, but Addy got some good beach time and even ate sand for the first time. She also enjoyed her first Greg Russell concert and a trolley ride from Harbor Town.
Kristi took a full time nanny job starting today, which makes me a little sad because we won't be seeing much of each other...but at the same time it's such an obvious way that God is providing for us while I finish school and it still allows Kristi to be a stay at home mom with Addy, which we have prioritized.
Now I'd just like the cooler weather to hurry up and settle in. Here's some pictures from our HHI trip for the road...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Who knew the decal would be the hardest part of making a guitar?
On Tuesday night Kristi made probably one of the most delicious meals I've ever eaten. I don't know what it's called, but it involves onions, mushrooms, chicken, and cheese. For the sides we had green beans and rice. It was fantastic, and I'm thinking about making it the "guest" meal, which is the meal we make when visitors come over. Up until this point we usually make this pan seared Italian chicken. Maybe we can rotate.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
mmmmmm Brussel Sprouts...

This past Sunday I decided to try a grilled Salmon recipe, and for the vegetable I thought I would give Brussel Sprouts a chance. Now I have only ever tried them one time before, and it was a long time ago. My mom made them when I was young, and the story is remembered by all family members because my dad tried to pretend he liked them and ate a ton, and then felt sick later that night. We never had them again after that.
So against my better judgement I decided I'd go for it. I found a recipe on which had hundreds of positive reviews, surely they couldn't be that bad, right? After washing and trimming they looked quite promising.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
YouTube pro...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Stoberto Customs
The wiring I am pretty comfortable with, so as soon as I figure out something I can sell in my house I can finish up...I am ecstatic. I'm probably mainly excited about buying some pickups from a guy named Bill Lawrence. I was prepared to shell out around $200 for some Fralins or Bulldogs (quality hand wound pickups), but I discovered that Bill, who has been designing pickups for companies like Fender for years sells his own pickups with his wife Becky on their own website for...wait for it...$72 plus shipping. I mean are you kidding me? Once again...ecstatic.
The most daunting task I need to do is level the frets of my neck which involves using a heavy flat surface and sanding frets until they are all the same height, and then recrowning them afterwards. I think this part has the most potential for damage, and the neck was pretty expensive so I am a little nervous. I got a scrap piece of 2"x16" granite for the sanding (as I read this works well for a heavy flat surface), and I think I'm going to practice on my Kramer first.
That was my first electric guitar, and as I have a hard time parting with guitars I simply have upgraded it over the years with Gotoh tuners, and white pickguard, and even Fender American pickups and all new electronics. It's not bad at all, although it still has a plywood body.
I've been working on a logo for my guitar neck headstock. Some people just put a Fender logo on their builds, but I want to name it after me! "Stoberto Customs" is what I've decided on, borrowing a high school nick name that has stuck with me over the years. This is what I've got so far...but it is still a work in progress.
So hopefully (as the serial number indicates) I will be done before the end of 2010...anyone up for some donations?
Monday, July 5, 2010
New Songs...
Song 1 - written for Kristi and I's 3rd anniversary - click here
Song 2 - a poem I wrote for Addy put to music with other words added - click here
Song 3 - a song I wrote during the Joseph series at Southside - click here
Monday, June 28, 2010
more Applebee's fun...
You might eat at Applebee's if...
1. You require extra alfredo sauce with your pasta.
2. Your four year old child enjoys opening sugar packets and pouring them on the floor and/or table.
3. You order your steak "well done, but tender."
4. Your party of twenty arrives two people at a time at ten minute intervals, then adds 4 or 5 more people when you are all finally done eating.
5. You consider 3-4 dollars a good tip regardless of check size.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sleeping At Last
Religion is a breeding ground,
where the devil's work is deeply found
with teeth as sharp as cathedral spires
slowly sinking in.
God knows that I've been naive,
but I think it makes Him proud of me.
Now it's so hard to separate
my disappointments from His name.
Because shadows stretch behind the truth
where stained glass offers broken clues,
and fear ties knots and pulls them tight
and it leaves us paralyzed.
But in the end such tired words will rest.
The truth will reroute the narrow things they've said,
and the marionette strings will lower and untie,
and out of the ashes love will be realized.
God knows that we've been naive,
and a bit nearsighted to say the least.
It's broken glass at children's feet,
that gets swept away unexpectedly.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds...
and put it in a jar,
I'd hold it tight with knuckles white,
so closely to my heart.
If I could catch a memory
and hide it in the sea,
I'd place it beneath the waves so deep,
where only I could be.
If I could take a picture
of time as it passed by,
I'd hang those photos from the clouds,
so they'd stretch across the sky.
If I could take a lifetime
and spend it in this day,
I'd cherish every single second
before it slipped away.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
So I'm a dad...
The most important thing that's happened though is the birth of Kristi's and my new daughter, Adelaide Grace Stoeber. I needed her to come on a weekend for me to stay in school and not repeat 5 weeks, and God was very kind to allow that to happen. Kristi woke me up at 4:45 on Saturday, Jan 23rd to let me know she was in labor. After some grumpy dialogue I cannot recall (I had only had like 11 hours of sleep the past 3 nights due to school and work), we headed for the hospital. Labor went very smoothly, and our daughter was born at 8:13 pm weighing 7 lbs 7 oz. The transition home been great too. It actually has been a little easier than I thought it would be, although Kristi thinks it's been a little harder...which goes to show that it's better for the person not feeding the baby every 3 hours. I've been a little tired, but fatherhood has been great. Watching the whole birthing process was pretty amazing, and looking at my daughter for the first time was also amazing. People ask me alot if I had some type of epiphany when holding/seeing her for the first time, but as great as it was, I think it was pretty much like I personality is just weird like that.
Our daughter's first name doesn't have a whole lot of significance. It is a city in Australia, and it is a song by Anberlin. Don't worry though, because our daughter's middle name was chosen because it was the name of my grandmother who passed away several months ago. I had the privelege of being in the room with my family and my grandmother as she took her last breath. For me, both birth and death seem like the most sacred of events in the human life, and I appreciate being able to experience both firsthand within a couple of months of each other. My grandmother was a great Christians lady, and as my wife said to Addy tonight, "if she were still here on earth she would be praying for you every day."
In case you were worried, the pets are adapting well. Lucy is mostly upset about all the visitors, and Oliver gets a little grumpy that he can't be in the bedroom when Addy is asleep in her infant napper. Other than that Oliver is just curious, and Lucy is a little scared of her...she'll get used to her though, especially when she starts dropping food off of the high chair.
In closing, I'll give you my 3 biggest earthly fears as a new dad...ready?
1. Being a lame dad - I feel like fatherhood automatically lamifies me a little, so I'll have to work extra hard to be non-lame, although I think I'm fighting a losing battle
2. Parenting in a way that screws up my kid forever - I'm in a Psych nursing class right now, and apparently I have no hope of avoiding this one
3. The next poopy diaper - some of them are worse than others
Until next time...