I enjoy making fancy dinners...most people are aware of this. Lately I have been more adventurous with my dinners. There was the swordfish, which turned out wonderfully...

This past Sunday I decided to try a grilled Salmon recipe, and for the vegetable I thought I would give Brussel Sprouts a chance. Now I have only ever tried them one time before, and it was a long time ago. My mom made them when I was young, and the story is remembered by all family members because my dad tried to pretend he liked them and ate a ton, and then felt sick later that night. We never had them again after that.
So against my better judgement I decided I'd go for it. I found a recipe on allrecipes.com which had hundreds of positive reviews, surely they couldn't be that bad, right? After washing and trimming they looked quite promising.

Things started to go downhill after they had been in the oven for a little bit. The smell just wasn't one you think of when you think of a delicious dinner. Nonetheless they looked pretty when they were done cooking.

Unfortunately that's where anything positive ends. Kristi and I both tried to pretend like they weren't that bad, but I think after the fifth one I felt like I might gag if I swallowed anymore. Kristi ate a few more than me, but felt about the same. It really put a damper on the whole dinner. That and the fact that the salmon didn't turn out quite as delicious as I thought it would. Oh well, they can't all be winners I guess.
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