Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's not that I don't like's that I'd rather eat pretty much anything else...

This has been a great week. I feel like I have been very productive in alot of areas of my life lately, and this week has seemed especially productive. I have also enjoyed seeing what birds come to the bird feeder everyday, and I think Oliver is really enjoying that also. Lucy doesn't seem to care.

I had something weird happen on Monday morning. I was taking a shower and when I bent over to wash my legs I hit my head really hard on the handle of the shower door. Much to my dismay I took a pretty good chunk out of my head right in a spot where I am already balding. Hopefully my hair comes back there, but I am doubtful as it never came back in the spots where I hit my head on the diving board as a kid.

You may be aware that I have been working hard at consistently running every since the beginning of the new year. I have really enjoyed the exercise, and it in turn has motivated me to try and eat a little healthier. I don't consider myself a particularly unhealthy eater, but there are things I should improve on like eating more vegetables. So, I have been buying fresh vegetables and experimenting with cooking them. I wouldn't say I enjoy eating anything I've made vegetable wise, but some of them aren't too bad. For instance I have been grilling Zucchini and Yellow Squash with garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper, and it doesn't taste all that bad. On Monday I made a dinner that I thought was one of the better looking ones I have made:

I didn't like the spinach too much. Kristi and I are going to try it in a salad next week, we're thinking that will be better.

Another exciting thing I did this week was getting started budgeting through Microsoft Money again. I used to do this to keep better track of our spending, but my hard drive crashed right before we moved to Greenville and I lost the software since I didn't have it on CD. Last week I decided that I really needed to get more organized in the finance area, so I decided to purchase Quicken this time and see if I liked it. It was OK, I didn't like the layout as much, but the big kicker was the categories. If I put something in a "Eating Out" as a subcategory of a bigger category like "Entertainment," then it would no longer show up as an expense of "Entertainment." So if we spent $100 eating out this month, I wouldn't know it by looking at the "Entertainment" category, I'd have to show every subcategory, and in our budget I would have to break down what we wanted to spend on each subcategory. How dumb is that? It's like having a subcategory that isn't really a subcategory. Since I don't want to have to break down what we spend each month in that much detail, I shipped Quicken back and bought Microsoft Money again, which has been great.

I think those are the highlights from the week so far. This weekend is going to be really busy, but should be a good one. I hope the weather stays this wonderful! A little warmer and I'll be sweating it out in my car (no AC). Better wear a nose plug when you're around me this summer...

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