Things went really well, and the steak I made was great. It cooked really fast though, and was medium well I would say. This is due to the fact that they were so skinny, I mean they were only on each side for like 3 minutes. I used to use a George Foreman in Columbia, so I always used skinny cuts. I think I would like to try some thicker steaks next time on the grill. Here's some pictures of me in action:

Today was a pretty productive day. I got to work around 9 and was
surprised to see Joe right after I arrived. He usually gets there a little later, so it was nice to have some company early on. I spent the morning working on the sound board some. I have been using the channels a little differently, so I decided to re-name them for now. I figure once we get a good rotation of sound guys we can talk about how to best set it up, but for now I'm tired of having things labeled wrong. I also called Yamaha to see if I could get some kind of plug-in card with a
esser in it. The vocalists could really use one, especially Matt. The Yamaha rep told me to buy the
Waves Y96K card. All of those effects look amazing, and I have used some of them like the L1 and the L2 in the studio before. Problem is, it costs $1000.00, and I don't know that that would be the best use of money. On one hand it would be incredible to have those capabilities on every channel, but on the other hand we have an alright compressor/limiter on every channel, and I could get some hardware
essers for a few hundred. But, I mean paying a few hundred more for that much more capability might be a good investment too. I talk like I even make these decisions too, when really it's not up to me. I spent some of my morning making a list for Joe of what items I thought would really benefit the sound area of the tech ministry though, which is why I'm thinking about these things.
I also loaded some
Igniter Media video backgrounds onto Easy Worship for Joe and ate a wonderful
Healthy Choice Chicken Marsala meal for lunch. I have been eating their cafe steamers for meals lately because they are cheap, and they really are very good. Joe thinks they smell like feet, but whatever dude.
After work I headed to the
Mauldin Library for some tutoring with Jake. He was a little more distracted than usual today, but things are going well overall. He seems to be understanding the material and is able to answer questions on his own more and more. When we were done I came home and took Lucy for a quick walk before Kristi and I left for dinner. We were meeting some friends downtown, so we dropped Lucy off with dad on the way. Mom had gone dress shopping in Atlanta for the day, so we thought he needed some company....actually we just thought Lucy would prefer to play with Molly since she had been by herself all day. We ate at
TacoSushi and then went to Spill the Beans afterwards. Downtown was very busy tonight,
more so than usual...maybe because of the very pleasant weather. After that we picked Lucy up and then came home.
Tomorrow I think I'm going to run. I haven't in a week because of the rain, snow, and one day of just being lazy. Hopefully I will feel great tomorrow since I have had a nice rest...I think I'll bump up to 6.5 miles. After that I don't think there's any specific plans, so it should be a great day! Maybe I'll do some recording...we'll see...
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