Saturday, January 31, 2009

My excellent soldering streak comes to an end...

What a good Friday. My morning consisted of getting up and going to work. I wonder if Lucy gets confused on Friday because her walk gets moved to later in the day. She seems to take it in stride at least.

Work was pretty relaxed today. Other than doing the light plots and cleaning up the stage, there wasn't much I absolutely had to get done. I spent part of the day working on this old Shure SM91 microphone I found in the closet. All the info I find on it lists it as a kick mic, but I'm pretty sure it's similar to a boundary microphone. I am interesting in velcro-ing 2 boundary mics on the piano lid and closing it, to see how the technique sounds. Assuming that it sounds pretty natural, it would provide much better isolation from other instruments, as well as cut down on feedback issues even more. I decided to test it out with just the SM91, but unfortunately the mic didn't work. I tried taking it apart and re-wiring it, but I think I might have messed up the capsule with the soldering iron. The solder point were extremely tiny. When I was done, it sort of worked, but had all kinds of noise that was just as loud as the signal. Oh well, I'm sure I can find boundary mics somewhere else that I can borrow.

I left work on time today and came home to take Lucy for a walk. We did the short route instead of the long route, partly because there were kids on skateboards down the long way, and partly because I was cold. I made sure to play with Lucy extra when we got back to make up for it though.

After that I played around with the tuning on my sparkly snare for a little while and then recorded some clips with it. I plan on posting them, but I ran out of time today, so I'll do that tomorrow. I'm not sure I chose the right heads. It is an extremely open drum with ring that is a little out of control, so I bought an Evans EC2 Reverse Dot. It's OK, but I'm not loving it. I think I may want to try a Remo Powerstroke III Coated next on it...but I can live with the Evans for now. I was also wondering what diecast rims would sound like instead of triple flanged. It still sounds great as it is, I think you will agree when you hear it.

Kristi got home a little while later, and after sitting around (well me sitting around and her ironing) for a little bit we left for dinner with Diego and Melissa. We did end up going to Oriental House, which was delicious as always. I wonder if I will ever get tired of the place...probably not. There had been some debate over which movie to see after dinner. Diego and I were up for "Slumdog Millionaire," but the girls weren't that into it. No one was excited about "Defiance" and "Benjamin Button" was a little long. Diego and Melissa had already seen "Gran Torino" and "Valkyrie." After some discussion we settled on "Taken," which everyone seemed satisfied with. We had some time to kill, so we went shopping across the street at Greenridge for a little bit and then drove to the theater. It was good that we got there early, because the movie was a packed one.

I didn't enjoy the movie, and I wouldn't really recommend it. It had it's interesting parts, but overall I would say it just made me feel sick. I couldn't keep up with the body count, and I honestly couldn't have cared less about the lead guy's relationship with his daughter after all the crap that went on in the storyline. That's the short explanation, I don't feel like going into detail, plus I don't want to spoil it for somebody that wants to see it. We saw a friend from NHCC on the way out from the previous showing that loved it, and Diego seemed to like it OK, so maybe I am just weird. I don't think Kristi liked it too much either though.

After the movie it was pretty late, so we came home and I pretty much got straight into bed. Tomorrow I have much to accomplish, such as grocery shopping and studying for some tests, so I want to get up hopefully before 9. Tomorrow night we are going to see "Mall Cop" with my parents. With the expectations I have for movies like that, I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to be disappointed....

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