Since I didn't run I checked my email/facebook quickly and then got ready. Lucy of course needed her daily walk after that, so that was the next thing I accomplished. When I came back I tried to run through the songs I was supposed to play for the audition, but I didn't really know them that well so I figured I'd wait until I got to work so I could see the chord charts. Instead I spent a little bit running through the songs for Sunday on the drums. One of them has a weird feel to it and I am not entirely sure how I want to play it yet. I can't tell exactly what the drummer is doing on the CD, so maybe I will try to watch some performances on YouTube. Seriously, what did I do before YouTube and Google? I can't remember.
The following item of importance was some school work. I had a short quiz in Physiology I had to study for, and I also needed to do my weekly discussion post for my online Sociology class. We were supposed to post about a religion/sect that we think is countercultural, meaning some of it's practices oppose society's common values. Most of the posts I read had to do with Muslims or Mormons, so just to ruffle a few feathers I posted something about fundamentalist Christianity being countercultural. In my post I just stated that American society values individual freedom more and more, and used extreme examples of fundamentalism that contradict that idea...such as the lifestyle of that church who protests at soldiers' funerals...I don't remember the leader's name. The only response I have gotten agreed with me, so I guess no one really cared. I thought that living in the South there might be some who would take issue with what I said, but I guess not. Oh well, at least my post was more open to discussion than the others.
By the time I was done with my schoolwork it was time to go to lunch. I met Robbie at Taco Casa, but they only take cash so we went across the street to Subway. I don't understand these places that don't take cards. For every cent they are saving without the percentage charge, they are losing much more because most people do not carry cash anymore. At least that's how I feel. I will probably never go back to Charlie's or Taco Casa simply because if I actually have cash in my wallet, there is something else I need it for. Just make me pay 20 cents more for my food, I don't care...
After lunch it was time for class. Sitting through 3 hours of Physiology is really rough, and today I struggled. I didn't take many notes, and to be honest I wasn't paying attention half the time. Good to know I'm only in the third week of the semester. Our professor (she is actually a Dr.) reviews every class though, so I think I should be OK. Today we talked about phases of cell division. She suggested we remember it with the acronym, "I Pee More After Tea," which I didn't think was as good as my, "I Poop More After TacoBell." Funny that they were so similar though, because I really did come up with that before she said hers. That was about the only interesting thing that happened in class.
I was going to get something for $2 at McDonald's on my way to work, but since I am way behind on my allowance for this month, I decided to call Joe and see if he wanted to eat at Zaxby's. I hadn't been there in a while, and apparently neither had he, so we both enjoyed it. I overheard a really funny conversation while I was ordering that went something like this:
Kid: "Hey Amber, can I have a resume?"
Manager: "You mean an application?"
Kid: "Yeah, whatever, that's what I meant"
Manager: "...Nick, you work don't have to apply, you've got the job"
It made me chuckle, but apparently Nick just needed it for a project at school. I also learned today that Zaxby's employees are not supposed to slide your tray to you when you pick up your food. Instead, they are supposed to pick it up and hand it to you. I am so gonna get the next person who slides the tray to me fired.
After dinner we went back to the church and I ran through the songs a few times before rehearsal. No one gave me words for the one I was supposed to sing, but I looked them up and learned them well enough to get through the song OK. I went upstairs for the worship team meeting after that, and then ran sound for rehearsal. The team is doing this song from Brooklyn Tabernacle that I really enjoy. I am amazed at how they can do so many styles fairly believably. It's not like we've got gospel singers and musicians up there, but the product sounds great and doesn't come across as forced.
Rehearsal ended and it was time for the musicians to audition. A lady needed to take my place because she needed to go home to her kids, but that was fine because I preferred to go last anyways. Some of the other musicians were talented, especially this new bass player. He was from Nashville though, and I guess if you are from Nashville you'd better be good at something musical. My audition went fine I thought. I was extremely nervous, because I haven't sang since I left Columbia. You know how you get nervous and act weird and forget things? That was me tonight. But anyways, I thought I did OK. The songs were easy to play, so my guitar playing was good, but my singing I didn't think was great. It's not like I'm able to be on a rotation anyways though since my job is with the tech team. It was really just so Matt had a reference of what I am capable of in case he ever is in need of something I can do on a specific occasion. Here's a picture of me "auditioning" taken by Joe:

By the time all of that was over, it was late and I hurried home. Whenever I'm gone for a long period of time Lucy goes crazy when I get home. Tonight for instance she just buried her head in my stomach and cried for a few minutes. It's so nice to feel so missed, although I wonder if her attachment is unhealthy or something. I talked to Kristi a little about our days, but it was pretty late and she has to get up early, so I tried to be quiet for the most part.
Tomorrow will be another full day. I need to solder all those Clearcom boxes, which means I need to get some outlet boxes to install them. I am really hoping that I do this correctly and it doesn't end up not working at all. If I mess it up I guess the tech team can just learn some sign language...
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