Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Early mornings are the best...

I've had trouble getting back into my night shift routine. What happens with me is that as I'm adjusting I just sleep all the time. I can sleep all day after working and then still sleep like, 12 hours that night. But, once I get into the routine I usually can go to bed early on my days off and get up before the crack of dawn. The nice thing about this is that it allows me to get running miles in early before anyone is awake and before it gets too hot (especially with the ridiculous weather we are having). This morning I took my Elph along in my Camelbak and took this picture near the end of my 12 mile run:

I am about 26 miles behind on my goal to hit 1k miles this year. I don't think I should have trouble catching up, but we will see.

Addy loves to dance, and we have regular "dance parties" at our house. Her favorite lately is "Call Me Maybe" and the problem is that we are no longer able to dance to any other songs. Last night Kristi tried to pick a different song and it didn't go over too well.
I think this might be my last HDR from Aruba. I am excited about finding more opportunities to take these types of pictures because I think I am getting better at editing them. I wish there wasn't so much lens flare in this one.

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