Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I wondered why the dates on the shot records looked like February...

Oliver is fine. I just thought I'd get that out of the way up front, since I'm sure at least two out of the three of you that read this wouldn't have been able to focus without hearing it. You probably would have skipped over everything else just to see what was wrong with him; I'm on to your blog reading habits. The vet said that he probably just strained a little too much and to give him a little laxative over the next few days until it heals. She also gave him his shot he was supposed to get Friday, which is nice because I don't have to pay for 2 visits.

I got up at 8 this morning to call the vet actually. The lady told me that I could wait until Friday, but that his problem definitely wasn't normal, so I decided to go in. I figured if it was something bad like a bacterial infection, I didn't want it to get out of control just so I could avoid paying for two visits. Oliver slept on the bed for the first time last night. It went fine, except Lucy gets extremely grumpy when he tried to sleep next to her. It's kind of hilarious, I don't know what her deal is. I think I actually got more sleep this morning because both of them slept a little longer. We are starting to run out of room on the bed though...it's important to establish your position early on. Right now both of the pets are sleeping with their heads against Kristi, which is kind of cute. That's right, I used the word "cute" in my blog, and I'm not ashamed.

After talking to the vet receptionist I went ahead and got ready for the day, after which I quickly left for school. I enjoyed Psychology for the first time this semester, although I think the reason is totally unrelated to Psychology. We started talking about what age everyone wanted to die at, and I really enjoyed listening to what people had to say. There is this one older lady in the back who is very nice and comes across as very intelligent, and she talked alot today which I enjoyed. I didn't really add to the conversation, just listened. If I had to verbalize my feelings on the matter, I would probably say that I don't want to be a burden to my family, and I don't want to get so old that I am very lonely because most of my friends and family are gone. So I don't really think I have a specific age in mind at all. Some students said that they don't really think about it, because honestly they are a little scared to die. I have had to deal with alot of death in my life, sometimes I feel like more than others my age, so I actually have thought about the subject alot. I think it has been good for me.

After school I went straight to work and Joe and I worked on setting up a "green screen" most of the day. It's going to be used for some video shoots for Jingle Jazz...we'll see how it turns out. We ate lunch at Zaxby's, and Joe paid for my lunch which was a really nice surprise. A free CD and a free lunch in 2 weeks time...maybe he is getting ready to fire me or something and feels bad.

I had to come home from work before 4 so I could pick up Oliver and take him to the vet. I accidentally grabbed Lucy's shot records instead of Oliver's which made me feel a little dumb when the vet receptionist handed them back to me and told me they were from a dog. Thankfully they are familiar with the agency we adopted Oliver from, so they knew what he needed. I ended up waiting for almost an hour and half, but I did get to see a ton of dogs which was fun. There was only one cat in the waiting room, and it was mean and ugly. I mean literally ugly.

When I came home from the vet Kristi was there and we decided to go to Moe's for dinner. I really like Moe's, but tonight I didn't eat all of my food because I felt pretty full. We went grocery shopping afterwards and then came home. Kristi went to a friend's house for a little bit and I watched football and played guitar. I was going to work on statistics, but I am just really good at procrastinating.

I spent most of the later evening reading some pro audio forums. I was encouraged to see a bunch of people who have project studios at their houses and get a little business every now and then. I have alot more equipment I need to collect before I can start mine. But hey, I got to cross hi-hats and two snares off of my long list...that's exciting!

Tomorrow I might go to Greenville Tech in the morning to take care of some things and then I will work the rest of the day. I'm not really sure if I'll go to tech though, I might want to sleep, and sleep usually wins decisions like that. It all depends on how loud Lucy and Oliver are I guess...

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