After attending to Lucy I went back to sleep until a little after 9. I skipped Psych again. I've gotten a 100 on everything in there so far, and there is no attendance policy so I am very unmotivated to go very often. Not to mention that Psychology has always been one of my least favorite subjects. Instead I eased into the day and Lucy and I went on a walk. It had been a long time since I walked her without a leash on because she was pretty bad a few times, so I re-instituted the leash for control purposes. Today I let her off and she really seemed to enjoy it. She was pretty good too, so I'll probably start letting her off more often.
Around 10:20 I left for class. Micro lab was good today. Our teacher was back, so we got done early like always. She was going to some lecture out at the Northwest campus, so she cancelled lecture completely. We have a test Wednesday so it would have been just review. The cancellation was nice because I got home really early. I made some lunch and then Lucy and I went outside to do some more yard work. I had piled a ton of dirt in different areas of the mulch beds, so I had to even that all out, and then I also watered everything. I took some pictures of the progress. Things aren't looking amazing yet because of our red dirt and some plants not being in yet, but things definitely look better. I left the shovel in the ground so you could see where the red dwarf Japanese Maple is gonna go:

After the yard work I got down to studying. I have two tests this week on Wednesday and Thursday, and since I work Tuesday and Wednesday nights I have to try to get ahead on Monday. I am mostly concerned about my Statistics test, as I have a low A in there, and I don't want a B. Originally I didn't care, but when I met with my advisor I found out it would really help my points for my application if I get an A. I'm just not good with online classes though, so we'll see.
I took Lucy for another walk before Kristi got home because she was getting bored. I studied for a little while when we got back and then Kristi came home for a little bit. Tonight she went to dinner and a movie with her family, but I couldn't go because I needed to study. That made for a pretty lonely night overall. I did download and listen to some stuff by Mark Mathis. I highly recommend his music. I started listening to him because his band, Public Radio opened up for Hannah Miller at Five Points Pub, who I played guitar and keys for in Columbia. They were so good. I don't generally love performances when I don't know the songs being done, but they really were amazing. His solo stuff is real laid back, but he is a really good song writer, and I really enjoy his music. Also, I don't know that I've mentioned Hannah before. I had the privilege of her and her husband playing/singing for me at Crossroads, and she really is amazing. Her husband is great too, he plays the mandolin and guitar mainly. You should definitely check out her music and then go see her play sometime if you like it.
For the rest of the night I mainly studied and watched Monday Night Football. I am so tired of Geico caveman commercials. There weren't really all that funny to begin with, and I find them more and more annoying with each one that comes out. I mean, they are even pretty much all the same. Whether getting upset about a sign at a tennis match or a keychain at the beach, it's the same idea, and it's not funny. Please stop producing them. I also thought about how it seems like most violent video games these days have commercials with non-appropriate music for effect. Like a little girl singing, big band, or classical stuff, it makes for this weird ethereal effect. Maybe they got it from movies where the big classical music song plays when everyone is getting shot, I don't know, I don't keep up with that stuff too much.
That was pretty much my day. I feel pretty tired actually, which is surprising because I didn't really do that much. I think studying must just make my brain tired. I'd better get some sleep because tomorrow will be another long day of studying, with some work mixed in there in between.
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